Sunday, August 18, 2013


(A haiku collection)

O, espresso bean
Covered in dark chocolate
The adult lifesaver


Morning’s brown, ground bean
Coaxing my body from bed
Stimulating business


As the sun rises
I drink her in, light and sweet
Wet ladyfingers


Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Subway

(A haiku collection)

My concrete cocoon
Of dark tunnels transforms me --
Urban butterfly


Subway announcements
Like Chinese fortune cookies
Reveal missed connections


Your face flickers by
An abstract watercolor
On subway tiles


Friday, August 16, 2013

The Cell

Shine a light into my private cell
A rented, cold slab of decay
Where I landed unexpectedly
When floors crumbled, giving away

Lying still in suffocating darkness
That hanged like a man in the room
All stars and sky blocked out of view
These concrete blocks sealing my tomb

Where carefree laughter died mute
And dreams were chased away
By bottles of mind-numbing dolls
Whose potions kept pain at bay

Shine a light into my private cell
So it might pierce this consumptive black hole
Igniting trampled embers of hope
In a beaten and broken soul

If you shine a light into my private cell
I promise to hold on
Lift these lids up to another day
Bidding raven skies be gone


Thursday, August 15, 2013


The blind beggar in the subway car
With his ossified, outstretched hand
Clenching a torn and weathered, brown, paper bag
Containing two, dull and silver coins
Stumbles over the outstretched feet of weary riders
Refusing to meet his face
And knows his unseeing eyes
Will forever be unseen


Wednesday, August 14, 2013


The sun-baked, delivery boy on a beat up bike
Blazing down busy, one-way streets
Ignoring every traffic rule and sign
Cutting off the lady cursing him through clenched teeth
Jumping curbs so food slops on carton tops
Swearing as he climbs the stairs of city walk-ups
Finally, huffs at your door on the fifth floor
With a pain in his chest
Because you’re passed out, piss drunk on the couch
Too far gone to hear him knocking
So all you’ll get is the angry message he left
Found crusted on your front door.


Friday, August 9, 2013

Pee Shy

Excuse the flush; pink, wet cheeks ‘n’ all
I’m cowering in this corner stall
Please, turn the faucet – drip, drip, drip
I’ll never know how men do this prick-to-prick!
