Wednesday, December 18, 2013

New Yuck City

“I’m off to New York City,”
Said the girl with big, green eyes.
“I’m tired of bed,
And people have said
The city’s alive all night!”

“I’m off to New York City,”
Said the girl with joy in her eyes.
“Where jazz plays in parks,
Drowning out little dogs’ barks,
And buildings launch through the sky!”

“I’m off to New York City,”
Said the girl with a glint in her eye.
“Where art’s splayed on streets,
And all the people you meet
Sound like international spies!”

“I’m off to New York City,”
Said the girl with a smile in her eyes.
“Where cupcake shops
Crème-fill my every sweet spot
‘Til a sugar rush shoots me high as a kite!”

“I’m back from New York City,”
Said the girl with sad, green eyes.
“Where everyone shoves past
Too furious and fast –
No attempt at acting polite.”

“I’m back from New York City,”
Said the girl with doleful eyes.
“Where sidewalks are piled
With garbage for miles,
Smelling like something died!”

“I’m back from New York City,”
Said the girl with a tear in her eye.
“Where homeless lay claim
To their street corners in shame
As tourists snap shots of their plight.”

“I’m back from New York City,”
Said the girl with fear in her eyes.
“Where dirty critters run amuck
‘Til the only thought that stuck




Anonymous said...

Great visual of New Yuck! Like every place, there're good things and bad...even Olathe!!! :-)

Florian Fiebig said...

Amazing! I love it!

~~~~~~~ said...

Thanks for reading, Flo! Glad you enjoyed how I painted New Yuck with words. =)